Make Each Day Your Masterpiece.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

OOTD ft. Forever 21

I recently bought an amazing t-shirt from Forever 21. The design is chic but bold and obviously Chanel is the first thing that comes to mind ;). I thought it was a versatile piece to have in the wardrobe and was a bargain for £11.

T-Shirt: Forever 21
Denim Top: Forever 21
Black Leggings: Zara
Boots: From Turkey
Scarf: From Egypt

(Ignore the silly faces I make lol :P)
T-Shirt: Forever 21
Denim Top:Forever 21
Trousers: Primark
Scarf: Inayah Collection
Bag: Zara
Head band:Primark
Necklace: Zara

Monday was also my first visit to Vapianos. Im upset I found out about such a glorious place to late in life, but better later than never :P
I'd love to see how you guys style your Tees or any Tees you're hyped about. Also if you have know any amazing dining places please share :P



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